UN Study focus of WUNRN
Juridical Aspects
    2.Convention on the Rights of the Child
Factual Aspects
F.1.Right to Education

Education - Save the Children

An Uneducated Girl is a Girl in Darkness

Two Bolivian girls study from a book provided by Save the ChildrenTwo-thirds of the world's 880 million illiterate adults are women. Girls are more than 70 percent of the 125 million children who don't have a school to attend. Significantly more girls than boys enrolled in the first grade fail to complete the first cycle of primary school.

Social traditions and deep-rooted religious and cultural beliefs are most often the barriers to expanding girls' educational opportunities in undeveloped countries around the world.

Did you know that:

Despite these conditions, there is much desire for change: Parents in even the poorest circumstances everywhere hope that their children will receive an education. Even though the barriers to education for girls in these countries are many, they are not insurmountable. This is why Strong Beginnings works to reduce the obstacles to education for girls.

Understanding the barriers to girls' education in particular is key to launching our innovative approaches. Educating girls and women results in:

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