Direct Link to 2007 Report
"About two-thirds of the 181 countries with 2004 data have achieved gender parity in primary education. Disparities at the expense of girls remain significant in many countries, often those with the lowest enrolment ratios (including Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Chad, Pakistan, the Niger and Yemen). Only one-third of countries have achieved gender parity at the secondary level."
EFA = Education for All

Every year, the EFA Global Monitoring Report assesses where the world stands on its commitment to provide a basic education to all children, youth and adults by 2015.

The 2007 Global Monitoring Report!

The 2007 Global Monitoring Report!

    Launched in New-York on 26th October

    What are the benefits of programmes for the very young?
    Why have countries been slow to implement policies that integrate care, health, nutrition and education? Besides taking a closer look at early childhood care and education, the first of six Education for All goals the world is committed to achieving by 2015, the fifth edition of the Report also assesses progress towards the other goals and levels of aid to basic education.
    Launch highlights

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