ECWR - Egyptian Center for Women's Rights

Press Release
Removal of Women Employees After Age 45


As 2006 began, a new system was implemented for civil employees to choose an early retirement and pension, as part of the series of economic reforms promised by the new government. The law governing this option, however, is clearly discriminatory against women workers. Women are eligible for the option when they reach 45 years of age whereas men are eligible after age 50.  This is a direct contradiction of the Constitution, in which the right to work is basic, and in which equality between women and men is guaranteed (Article 40). The result of this inequality will be to perpetuate the marginalization of women and speed their removal from office.  

ECWR is deeply concerned about the effects of this discriminatory procedure, and about the pressure it will place on women to leave their work early, influencing the right of women to work for generations by: 

In the workplace:

-         Marginalizing women's role in the workplace, affecting their chances for promotion and reaching decision making positions

-         Making women vulnerable to pressure to retire early through threats of transfer, or other methods

In the family:

-         Making women less able to confront family problems, such as providing for current financial needs and paying off debts, disempowering them

In society:

-         Further entrenching the traditional marginalization of women in society and the workplace by implying that it is easier for women than men to leave their careers early, increasing unemployment among women and influencing women's participation in public and political life

ECWR demands equality between women and men under the new early retirement law.  We also demand a review of other laws and legislation discriminating against women and leading to their political, legal, economic and social marginalization.


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