
European Women's Lobby - Women and Multiple Discrimination

Women are very often exposed to double or multiple discrimination, as women and due to their ethnic origin, their religion or belief, their disability, their age and/or their sexual orientation (for concrete exemples click here). Therefore, any measure aiming at tackling discrimination on a given ground should integrate the gender dimension, i.e. take into consideration the specific needs of women.The concept of multiple discrimination has grown in importance with the entry into force of the Amsterdam Treaty and the implementation of the anti-discrimination clause (article 13).The European Union has initiated a new policy for the fight against all forms of discrimination. Is gender discrimination fully taken into account?

Examples of double/multiple discrimination faced by Women:

Young womensuffer double discrimination on the employment market, in particular when trying to accessdecision-making positions. As young persons, they are not trusted to have the credibility, seriousness & knowledge requested to assume the responsibilities of a decision-making position. The discrimination on the ground of age adding to the structural gender discrimination increase the vulnerability of young women. A black young woman faces triple discrimination (just think of how many young black women in decision-making position you have ever met and this is not just a coincidence).

Lesbians are discriminated at hiring, dismissal, promotion, training, working conditions etc. The discrimination on the ground of sexual orientation added to the structural gender discrimination puts lesbian women in an even more vulnerable position. What about a young lesbian?

Migrant women often find themselves particularly vulnerable when they are victims “as women” of domestic violence. Their rights (in terms of social security or even civil rights, residence permits for example) are often derived from those of their husbands and the precariousness of their situation prevents them to escape or denounce violence Racial prejudice and sexism added to each other make migrant women’s position on the labour market more difficult in terms of promotion, training, harassment etc.

Women and girls with disabilities are even more likely to be victims of violence because of their vulnerability. The right of disabled girls and women to live in freedom and safety should be fully recognized. Control of their own body should be guaranteed for disabled women, to protect them against physical, psychological and sexual violence. This is very important particularly for disabled women who have to stay in hospitals, rehabilitation and other institutions, and those who are unable to represent themselves.

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