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Reden Stop Kvindehandel
Women who are treated like fresh meat. It is a vivid image and an illustration of the situation of thousands of women’s and children’s lives in Europe today. The UN estimates that approximately 500,000 women and children are imported to the EU yearly and abused in prostitution and in the sex industry. Many are kept in captivity like cattle, but are treated even worse. Over the last ten years we have learnt that the trafficking of women also occurs in Denmark. Some women are forced into prostitution without the possibility of escaping their pimps. The women have little or no chance of getting some, or any, of the money the pimps earn by exploiting them through prostitution.

The everyday life for a trafficked woman consists of:

- violence, rape or constant threats hereof;

- threats of violence against the woman or her family in order to keep her in prostitution;

- debts – fabricated or real - that must be repaid to the pimps: a debt that must be repaid before the women are allowed to leave prostitution and earn money on their own;

- fear of reprisal from pimps if the women do not earn enough money;

- a chaotic life-situation, far from her family or network back home.

Have you seen anyone who is in this situation? Or anyone who has been? Call us at the countrywide anonymous telephone Hotline on prostitution and trafficking in women:
+ 45 70 20 25 50.


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