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AWID - Association for Women's Rights in Development
Oct 06, 2006

New AWID Report
Achieving Women’s Economic and Social Rights: Strategies and Lessons from Experience

Full report in PDF format (224 KB)

In 2005 AWID asked over 50 activists working in diverse settings all over the world what strategies they found most useful in their efforts to improve economic and social rights for women? What were the greatest challenges they were encountering in their work? Did the ESCR framework actually fulfill its promise in presenting them with a new and more effective approach to their work? This report synthesizes and analyzes some important examples and lessons that emerged through this investigative process.

The insights provided include those from feminist activists working with a variety of strategies including the use of litigation and judicial processes, making and reforming policy, engaging with budgets, drawing on UN mechanisms, using fact finding and research, and organizing campaigns and popular mobilizations. The report reflects on some of the challenges as well as the strengths of using these different approaches and highlights what we can draw as lessons for our own advocacy work. Profiled here are interesting and instructive case studies and examples, strategies for success and lessons from experience in translating “rights on paper” to ensuring their concrete implementation in women’s lives.

Print copies available soon on request, please e-mail membership@awid.org



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