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Rights Within Religious and Cultural Traditions | Faith in the Future - Respect for the Past

In many parts of the world religious practices and cultural beliefs prevent women from expressing their opinions, exercising their rights as citizens and participating fully in their societies. Certain traditions may circumscribe a woman's right to vote, own or inherit property, drive a car, possess a passport, select a life partner, or simply go to school. Women's groups are increasingly standing up to aspects of their own traditions that conspire to silence or oppress them. At the same time, women are demanding the right to practice their faith without compromising their human rights.

The Roma (or gypsies) provide a unique example of a population challenged with issues of preservation of identity while adapting to the realities of the times. As an ethnic group, the Roma face deep prejudice and discrimination across Europe, whether in Hungary, Romania, Moldova, the Czech Republic or Slovakia. Within their own community, in turn, Roma women are often subject to extreme forms of patriarchy and oppression. The Global Fund is helping to support Roma women as they demand justice and equal protection for their community under the laws of the European Union, while simultaneously implementing programs in family planning, vocational training and women's rights to improve the status of women and girls within Roma communities.

Across much of the Muslim world, women are challenging the passage and implementation of "personal status codes." Such codes help to legalize practices harmful to women such as polygamy, lowering the age of consent in marriage, and easy divorce procedures for husbands. Association Epanouissement Féminin in Morocco uses a twopronged strategy to change the personal status code. The group lobbies for changes in the law itself while teaching rural women literacy skills to interpret for themselves the Qu'ran's (Koran's) teachings about the rights of women. 20 Ans Barakat uses music by popular Algerian singers in a strategy to make apparent the discrimination women face under the Family Status Code. The organization's forthcoming CD will help disseminate their message of equality more widely.

In 2002-2003, the Global Fund awarded 24 grants for our initiative on Rights Within Religious and Cultural Traditions totaling $234,748.

Women who overcome cultural practices that are emotionally and physically harmful become stronger members of the community as a whole.

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