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Monitoring Health Equity in the MDGs: A Practical Guide
"The health gap between so-called haves and have-nots is a phenomenon documented throughout the world. Health gaps exist between rich and poor, well-educated and less-educated, rural and urban—even between impoverished and marginalized groups. The initiation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) brings new energy and resources to the development agenda, with a strong emphasis on health outcomes. However, ensuring that such goals are met in an equitable manner, with the worst-off groups benefiting at the same or greater rate as the better-off groups, is a central challenge. One place to start is by identifying inequity between different population groups and across different social strata. Inequity baselines can be created to illuminate how different indicators and social stratifiers yield different patterns of disparity. Using population-based surveys, such baselines can be established even in data-poor countries. Using survey data from Ghana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tajikistan, Dominican Republic and Cambodia, this Guide demonstrates how to establish such a baseline. This Guide is for researchers, program staff, and policymakers interested in undertaking equity-sensitive monitoring of key health (or other development) indicators within a given country (as opposed to cross-national studies). The Guide provides a method for analyzing indicators across a number of social strata including wealth, ethnicity, education, region, sex, and geography. The methodology presented includes both single and simultaneous stratification that allow for the generation of fairly simple, quick equity-monitoring tools. The mode of presentation is instructional, rather than theoretical." [By: Meg Wirth, Enrique Delamonica, Emma Sacks, et al. Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), January 2006]
Contributor: Maribeth Lovegrove ( Guide )
Published Date: August 11, 2006
Topics: Aid Effectiveness, Capacity Development for MDGs, Poverty, Population and Reproductive Health


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