Attachments: CaucAsia-July 2006-Gender & Networks.pdf
CaucAsia Website - Multiple CaucAsia Magazine Issues
CaucAsia Magazine - Gender & Networks - July 2006 is Attached.
GENDER NETWORKS & MEDIA CONFERENCE - Gender Media Caucasus Journalists' Association - Georgia - July 1-3, 2006
Representatives from:
Film by Umida Akhmedova of Uzbekistan, "Men and Women at Rituals" - The film shown at the Conference, is about how centuries-old rituals affect a woman's ability and freedom to occupy a proper position in life. The film caused ambiguous reaction among Conference participants.The Conference attendees will consider a study on the influence of national traditions on gender equality.
Tiina Ilsen,  Gender Adviser, Democratization Department, OSCE ODIHR:
"It is the fourth time that you come together to discuss important issues. ODIHR OSCE does alot to assist our countries in promotion on the achievement of steady and mature democracy. One factor in the success of this process is engagement of all parts of society. That is why it is very important in the work of ODIHR OSCE for the achievement of equal opportunities for men and women. We understand this is not possible without the media. That is why we try to have media components as part of our programs and projects. We watch the work of Gender Media Caucasus Journalists' Association with great interest and satisfaction, and we are trying to support your growth and cooperation. Your international network is a good example of cooperating at the regional level. We view the journalists working in the field of gender as an important resource of the women's movement, and an important resource for democracy and women's fight for equal opportunities in your countries.
WUNRN - Women's UN Report Network

The Women's UN Report Network - WUNRN - has coma a long way to say congratulations to CaucAsia and the Gender Media Caucasus Journalists' Association for organizing this highly significant conference, and to say thank you to OSCE ODIHR and all involved. WUNRN has been pleased to publicize the CaucAsia Bulletin Electronic Magazine from the beginning, through the WUNRN ListServe. The WUNRN ListServe covers the globe on human rights, empowerment, and oppression issues of women and girls. WUNRN's ListServe also intersects the UN system and at high levels, multiple times every day.


The reality issues of women and girls in the Caucasus Region and Central Asia have remained quite invisible. Political, economic, social, religious, cultural, and other factors have been influences. The gender perspective from the grass roots level has been even more elusive. CaucAsia has, through excellent and diversified articles and pictures, created a window of awareness and communication from the Caucasus, Central Asia, and Russia.


CaucAsia, like WUNRN, represents the pivotal importance of free and independent Gender Media.


WUNRN has been very impressed with the CaucAsia International Journalists' Conferences on Women's Representation in Media and Ways to Build Strength and Effectiveness of Gender Media, especially in the CIS Region.  WUNRN has noted the importance of the 2005 Conference Appeal


It is so important for Gender Media to be accurate, ethical and honorable, esthetically of high quality in presentation, and consistent - sustainable, to build trust.


We all know that Violence Against Women and Girls is very much influenced by media.


Networking as Gender Media has so many valuable benefits, and I will be listing some in my Power Point presentation. We are quite marginalized from mainstream public and private media, and yet we have the distinct advantage of being free and independent. And, very important, is that we share, validate, and energize each other as we move forward.


Through Gender Media, we can cross borders and transmit our truths and realities. We must share information with each other and then expand our audiences and across sectors. This is the spirit and theme of our Conference: Gender Networks & Media: Integration & Mutual Empowerment!


Lois A. Herman

Coordinator WUNRN




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