Attachments: TF 2006 Call for proposals CEE-CIS.doc; TF 2006 Application Form.doc

Dear colleagues,
UNIFEM is pleased to announce the 2006 cycle of the United Nations Trust Fund to Eliminate Violence against Women in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The Fund's primary goal is to identify and support innovative projects aimed specifically at preventing and reducing violence against women in CEE/CIS countries. In 2006, the Trust Fund will provide funding for implementation of existing laws, policies and plans of action to address violence against women at regional, national or local levels.

Please see the attached Call for Proposals for more detailed information on issue-focus, preferred strategies, format for submissions, eligibility criteria, where to send submissions, and criteria used by the Trust Fund in determining final selections. Please note that incomplete submissions will not be considered.
Proposals for the Central and Eastern Europe office (in English) should be sent to Raluca Popa, at; proposals for the CIS office (in English or Russian) should be sent to by 1 September 2006.
Feel free to disseminate this e-mail to others involved in the elimination of violence against women who might be interested. We would appreciate if gender networks would circulate this e-mail and attached papers to their members. 
Central and Eastern Europe

Bratislava, Slovak Republic



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