Combatting Trafficking in the EU

EWL develops steps for a gendered human rights approach

Combating trafficking in women and girls is a policy priority of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL), with the underlying principle that all anti-trafficking efforts must include a strong gendered human rights dimension and especially while implementing the EU Plan on best practices, standards and procedures for combating and preventing trafficking in human beings. While the World Football Cup is in full swing and EWL, along with many NGOs and politicians are highlighting the possibility of the increased trafficking for sexual exploitation in Germany (see below under “Updates on Violence”), the EWL current projects and activities in this area offer ground- breaking work on the issue.

 Specifically, from June 2-4, 2006, 52 representatives from 16 countries, mainly from the region of Southeast Europe, met in Zagreb, Croatia, to participate in a conference on Preventing Trafficking in Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations: Who is Responsible? The conference was part of a larger project jointly coordinated by EWL and the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (CATW), in partnership with many frontline NGOs and individuals, aiming at addressing gaps in anti-trafficking programs and policies. The conference highlighted the critical role played by women’s NGOs in implementing and monitoring international instruments signed by governments to combat trafficking and in the services they provide to women victims, often living in fear and/or with no resources. The participants also insisted on the need to avoid repatriation of trafficking victims and, if return is considered, to ensure the protection and economic support, in liaison with NGOs from countries of origin. For more information, please contact Colette De Troy: centre-violence@womenlobby.org 

These aspects have been more concretely developed in the first regional Nordic Baltic meeting organised by EWL on 18-20 June 2006, in Riga, within the framework of the Nordic Baltic Pilot Project, which aims to reinforce the capacity and improve the models for the support, assistance, safe returns for women that want to return, and rehabilitation of women victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation in the region. The project represents a practical and concrete step towards putting in place a model that focuses on the human rights of the victim. During this first meeting the network explored existing practices in the region and started to define the ways, in which services and assistance could be improved throughout all 8 countries in areas such as victim identification, multi-disciplinary support services, financial assistance and compensation to victims, etc. - ensuring that the rights and well being of the women victims are at the centre of all activities. For more information please contact the EWL Project Director Malin Björk - bjork@womenlobby.org


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