Important: Please click website Link to access Submission Form and
additional subsite references.
Imagining Ourselves: Global Voices from a New Generation of Women
Our extraordinary achievement demands that we do not end the project now,
so we are pleased to announce to you that we will be extending Imagining
Ourselves for one more year.

Imagining Ourselves launched with a published anthology and an online exhibit on International Women's Day, March 8, 2006. The project received great acclaim and widespread media attention around the globe, from articles in Bombay's TimeOut Magazine to television coverage in Tijuana and numerous reports in the San Francisco media. Since then, we have reached out to a new generation of women on every continent, in four languages and through more than 100 global events and gatherings on the ground in over twenty-five countries. After the successful launch in March, 2006 we are extending the project until September, 2007 and will continue to explore different themes. Check out the descriptions of the new themes in the right hand column.
What Defines Your Generation of Women?
The one billion women in their twenties and thirties are, perhaps for the first time in history, a generation poised with the resources and tools to do something positive to address the many challenges that face them. Through education, technology, media and travel, this is the first truly global generation. Thousands of young women around the world use Imagining Ourselves as a platform to share their views and connect with a global community. Now we invite you to take part and join us in answering the question: What Defines Your Generation of Women?

Submit your work for our Online Exhibit! Download the application form below and read our easy steps to submit.

Be inspired by our stories. Browse our large selection ranging from photographic essays, personal accounts, painting, poetry and much more. Get involved through conversations and share your thoughts and stories. Take action through our partners, both locally and internationally, and find resources on issues affecting young women.

Join our growing community of thousands of women from over 182 countries, including French actress Julie Delpy, Mexican golfer Lorena Ochoa, novelist Rebecca Walker, international super model Liya Kebede, HRH Queen Rania Al-Abdullah of Jordan and many more.

We are looking for submissions from young women in every corner of the globe. If you have a story to tell, images to share, or a voice that wants to be heard, we welcome your submission. We accept film, audio, images and text.

Tell us what defines your generation of women. We look forward to hearing from you!
How to Submit your Work
Get to know our online exhibit. Read stories, view artwork and film and listen to music and spoken word from the many young women from all around the world. Be Inspired. We look forward to hearing from you!
Download applicant information here:
submissionform_eng.pdf (245k)
submissionform_eng.doc (778k)
Send us your submission along with the application form to iosubmissions@imow.org. Make sure your email is less than 5Mb, if you have larger artwork or film or audio work, please send by regular mail.
If you are submitting film or audio files or large artwork you should send these to us on a DVD or CD. Guidelines for format and length of media can be found in the application information, available for download above. You may send your applicant form by email indicating that you will be sending your submission by mail.
Imagining Ourselves Team
International Museum of Women
PO Box 190038
San Francisco, CA 94119

Please contact us for street address if sending by courier.
Submission Categories
War & Dialogue
Women's Perspectives
Let us take you beyond the headlines and introduce you to a new generation young women. As a result of wars and conflicts, millions of people are living in Diaspora, migration is the trademark of this generation; what is it like to start a new life in a new place? The world media doesn’t always tell us all the stories, especially once the world has moved on to the next conflict. We are interested to hear your personal experiences from war and conflict areas, your thoughts on the media’s representation of certain religious and ethnic groups and your views on regions of political instability. Tell us your story. (Photo credit Yasmin Etemadi)

Deadline for submissions: October 1, 2006
Young Men
How Do We See Each Other?
We have spent all this time finding out what women around the world think about the world and the issues affecting them. But now we’re taking the time to ask young men the same question. We want to know how young men regard young women when it comes to the topics we have explored so far in Imagining Ourselves. Browse our exhibit and give us your views.

Themes to consider:
Love – dating and marriage,
Money – balancing work and family and equal pay for equal work
Culture & Conflict – migration, devotion and conflict
The Future – charting a path

Deadline for submissions: December 1, 2006
A Life-Changing Experience
One of the most life-changing experiences in a woman’s life is that of having and caring for a child. These days women are having children later and some are not having children at all. Family structures around the world are changing, yet mothers are most often the parent who will stay at home with young children. Child birth itself is a risk for many mothers around the world. Did you know that the 530,000 annual deaths that arise from pregnancy and childbirth complications are preventable? Share your stories on motherhood with us, and discuss your ideas on better maternal healthcare worldwide.(Photo credit Christine Luksza Paravicini)

Deadline for submissions: February 1, 2007
Image & Identity
Culture behind clothes
Appearances aren’t everything, or are they? Join us in exploring the world of self-expression. Some people express themselves through the style of clothes they wear. Clothes can express a part of who we are or the culture we represent. A lot of young women today are also becoming increasingly aware of the importance of sustainability. Are green, recycled, or eco-chic clothes a part of your wardrobe? In a time when going to the plastic surgeon is as easy as booking an appointment at the dentist, what kind of body image do young women have today? Send us your answers to these questions and your work. We are looking for original clothing designs, photographs, film, essays and more. These months are all about exploring the different ways we shape our identity (express ourselves), whether it be through our culture, the music we listen to, or the clothes we wear. How do you express yourself? (Photo credit Anna Soler Cepria)

Deadline for submissions: May 1, 2007
Film Festival
A cinematic experience online
Take part in this unique experience – a two month film festival – online! This is an amazing chance for up and coming women filmmakers to have their work viewed by a worldwide audience. We are looking for all types of films – documentaries, short films, animation, music videos, basically any kind of film you can think of, they just have to be made by a female director. (Photo credit Shushan Avagyan)

Dealine for submissions: July 1, 2007

To leave the list, send your request by email to: wunrn_listserve-request@lists.wunrn.com. Thank you.