"A Chorus of Stones -The Private Life of War"
Susan Griffin

          "Shell shock has this in common with rape and sexual abuse:
                            it is not only the body that is wounded."

In the advance of hopelessness those who stay afraid of their enemies resort to destroying themselves along with those they view on the other side.
This is the great insanity of war.
So many times it is women who are the ones who painfully and bravely face the actions of such wars.
If I wanted to see the total affect of war I would look closely at the face of a woman who has been caught directly in the line of fire.. who has found her life caught without any escape under bombs and artillery. In it you will see all the conflict, all the hope and resignation and grieving. You will also see her desire to find a solution for a better life. In that face you will see the tracings of all of humanity......

*Susan Griffin. A Chorus of Stones. Doubleday/Anchor Books. New York, 1992.

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