IIAV - http://www.iiav.nl/eng/iiav/index.html
International Information Centre and Archives for the Women's Movement

The IIAV is the source, the intermediary and the supplier of information and documentation for all those who occupy themselves with the position of women, whether it concerns books, periodicals, data, addresses, archives, visual materials, current or historical, national or international.

Important: Please click website Link to access subsite references.

Mapping the World of Women's Information Services is an online database in which you can find information on women's information centres and libraries that are open to the public. It currently contains approximately 400 women's information centres from over 140 countries and is updated weekly.

The database contains addresses, websites, details on the goals of organizations, collection subjects and more.

For more information on subjects: see the database Women's Thesaurus.

For questions or more information please contact: info@iiav.nl


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