NYU - New York University - Contacts:
Sonia Jaffe Robbins - sjr5@nyu.edu
Nanette Funk - nanfunk@earthlink.net
**The Gender and Transition Workshop** at the NYU Center for European
and Mediterranean Studies invites speakers to submit proposals for talks
for the academic year 2006-2007. The topic should cover some specific
area of research, activism or expertise related to East and Central
Europe and the Former Soviet Union, including the Baltic countries and
Central Asia, relevant to gender and NGOs, gender policy, feminist
political theory, current political and economic developments, etc.
To arrange for a talk at the workshop, please contact: the co-moderators:
E-mails: sjr5@nyu.edu (Sonia Jaffe Robbins), and nanfunk@earthlink.net (Nanette Funk)

To leave the list, send your request by email to: wunrn_listserve-request@lists.wunrn.com. Thank you.