Gender & Climate Change
Much attention has been paid to the relationship between poverty and climate change but little of it from a gender perspective. Why is gender a factor in climate change and how should it be addressed?

- Gender and Desertification: Expanding Roles for Women to Restore Drylands, Gurung, J. D., Mwanundu, S., Lubbock, A., Hartl, M. and Firmian, I., May 2006
In many of the world's drylands, women's traditional knowledge of and roles in natural resource management and food security are crucial, yet they are often excluded from participation in land conservation and development projects, and from the policymaking process. This review highlights lessons learned through International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) projects.

- Gender and Climate Change, Rohr, U., April 2006
This article analyses the links between gender and climate change and advocates for the integration of a gender perspective in the climate change debate.

- Gender: The Missing Component of the Response to Climate Change, Lambrou, Y. and Piana, G., April 2006
The gender aspects of climate change have generally been neglected in international climate policy. This report argues that gender, like poverty, is a cross cutting issue in climate change and needs to be recognised as such.

- Gender and Climate Change Research Workshop: What Do We Know? What Do We Need To Find Out?, Women in Europe for our Common Future (WECF), December 2005
In 2005, 23 participants gathered to discuss gender and climate change related research, and its role and use in women's / gender related advocacy in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process.

- Climate for Change Toolkit, Climate Alliance, January 2005
This toolkit describes tools, processes and procedures that can contribute to promoting and supporting women in decision-making positions relevant to climate protection.

- Gender and Climate Change: Giving the 'Latecomer' a Head Start, Institute of Development Studies (IDS), January 2004
This paper focuses on three climate sensitive areas - agriculture, water and energy - and considers how adaptation strategies could be designed to help women and men in these sectors in order to mitigate the effects of climate change.

You can find additional resources on Climate Change through the Simple Search function: http://www.siyanda.org/search/

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