
Money & Movements: Call for Participation | Application Form
Young Women's Institute on M&M: Call for Participation | Application Form

The Association for
Women's Rights in Development (AWID)

presents a

Young Women's Institute on Money and Movements
5 - 7 November, 2006
Oaxaca, Mexico


Are you a young feminist with a commitment to strengthen your organization or movement? If so, we welcome your application to participate in a Young Women's Institute on Money and Movements, 5 - 7 November, 2006, Oaxaca, Mexico. AWID is bringing together 35 young feminist activists, primarily from the Global South and Eastern Europe who have experience with either youth organizations or women's rights organizations.

This meeting is a key follow-up to AWID's action-research initiative, "Where's the money for women's rights? has found that funding has shrunk in the past 10 years for women's rights. As such women's and feminists movements need to reenergize their collective strategies to increase the amount and quality of funding. At this meeting, AWID will engage young feminists around their strategies for movement-building, organizational strengthening and resource mobilization.

This institute will provide a unique opportunity for participants to:

This Institute will allow participants to explore these issues in depth whilst at the same time allowing participants to hone their skills, articulate their own visions for funding a women's rights agenda, and work collaboratively to launch strategic and cutting-edge campaigns to implement this agenda.

In addition to this Institute, participants will stay on to attend the International Money and Movements Meeting hosted by AWID and Semillas from November 9-11, 2006 in Oaxaca, Mexico. The insights, strategies and skills developed at the pre-Institute will feed into the International meeting where participants will have the opportunity to participate in the program and have plenty of opportunity for informal networking and alliance-building with about 300 other participants from feminist and progressive women's organizations globally.

The Institute will be conducted in English, Spanish and French.

To be eligible to attend this institute you must be:

Preference will be given to young women from organizations working for women's rights in the Global South and Eastern and Central Europe.

Cost: Participants will be required to pay a registration fee of US$85 or MXN 900 (Mexico pesos). This fee will be paid by cash onsite, and will cover the registration fees of BOTH the Institute and the Money & Movements meeting.

Scholarships: A limited number of scholarships are available. These scholarships will cover the travel costs of participants who are unable to raise sufficient funds on their own. All participants however will be expected to fundraise for the registration fee, which will NOT be waived. This will help to ensure that those who most need and want to be at the meeting will be there. Applicants who need assistance can apply for a scholarship at the same time they apply to participate.

A web-based application form is available at www.awid.org/moneyandmovements/application_form_ywi_1.php. The deadline for applications is 30 June 2006. Because the application form is web-based, we encourage all interested candidates to APPLY EARLY, to avoid server crashes brought on by a huge volume of last-minute applications. Applicants who do not have Web access may contact AWID at the address below for a hard copy.

Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID)
ATT: Young Women's Institute on Money and Movements
2nd Floor, Community House, 41 Salt River Rd, Salt River, 7925
Cape Town, South Africa
Contact Rushana Du Toit, rdutoit@awid.org
Fax in South Africa: 27 21 447 9617
Website: www.awid.org

The Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID)
AWID is an international membership organization working to strengthen the voice, impact and influence of women's rights advocates, organizations and movements internationally. This initiative forms a key part of AWID's commitment to integrate the specific priorities of young women through all of its initiatives by facilitating human rights information through e-lists and other publications, and by capacity building through multi-generational and issue-related institutes and meetings.



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