Attachments: WomenNewsNetwork-EducationisAHumanRight-June2006.doc

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Attached Photo Heading: An ethnic Albanian girl learning to read and write in Skopje, Macedonia, 1998.

Education is a Human Right


-Lys Anzia / Women News Network


During the 1990’s, according to the encyclopedia MSN Encarta, schooling was particularly difficult for many ethnic Albanians. Under the crisis in Kosovo Serbian authorities attempted to close all schools that served to educate ethnic Albanian children. During this time a target in the denial of educational opportunity was aimed directly at Albanian girls. In response to this Kosovar Albanians set up an underground school system in private homes and other locations. Since the establishment of autonomous provincial authority in Kosovo in 1999, the Kosovo education system has undergone systematic reconstruction.


According to UNESCO’s newest 2006 data 18 million additional teachers are needed globally to insure that every child can receive a quality education. Of these children, girls are the most vulnerable to losing the battle to achieving education. In many areas of the world today girls and women are still unable to read and write.


Actress Angelina Jolie is only one of the voices among many calling now for a rise in funding for education worldwide. Recently during an interview with NBC television network Jolie spoke to the issue of girls as she talked about her own Ethiopian adopted daughter Zahara. “It’s not just my voice it’s everyone’s voice. Education is a human right and a foundation for a better life,” said Jolie.


Thanks to the Girl Child Education Fund, a new initiative of the International Council of Nurses (ICN), and its sister organization, The Florence Nightingale International Foundation (FNIF), forty orphaned girls in Africa are attending school this year.  The girls are from Kenya, Swaziland, Uganda and Zambia.


Approximately 115 million children are out of school around the globe today. According to an April 2006 report by UNESCO at least half of those children live in countries affected by conflict, while many more are excluded from the basic right to an education because of natural disasters and other crises.

-Lys Anzia, of Women News Network, is an American historical playwright and
freelance radio journalist for WINGS radio syndicate. Bulgarian photographer Svetlana Bahchevanova’s work has been exhibited in Europe and the United States in galleries and museums and published in numerous major newspapers, agencies and magazines such a International Herald Tribune, l’Humanité, Soar, Pravda, Biography, Reuters and Associated Press.


-Sources for this article include the NBC television, UNECEF, International Council of Nurses, the Florence Nightingale International Foundation, and MSN Encarta.




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