  EU Gender Equality Roadmap & €50 Million Gender Institute  
Gender inequality in the EU will be tackled by 21 specific activities over the next five years, which are outlined in a new Gender Equality Roadmap published by the European Commission. Proposed Commission activities in the 'Roadmap for Equality Between Men and Women 2006-10' include helping set up a new €50 million European Institute for Gender Equality, reviewing all existing EU gender equality law, increasing awareness of gender inequality, ensuring gender equality is considered in all policies and pressing for better statistics.
The roadmap aims to, inter alia, tackle the pay gap between men and women, support better work/life balance, eliminate violence and trafficking, support gender budgeting and promote gender equality both within and outside the EU.

EU Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Commissioner, Vladimír Špidla, said with view to his visit to Turkey on 4-7th March that, while we must promote gender equality to those outside the EU, much remains to be done inside the Union. 'Women in the EU are still not getting a fair deal, particularly in the workplace. One in three of working women is confined to part time work. Gender equality isn't just a good idea – it liberates people's potential and plays a key role in making the EU more competitive. We need not only more jobs, but better jobs and to help women into them, while ensuring both women and men can balance work and private life.'

The roadmap sets out six priority areas for action in the 2006-2010 period:

Achieving equal economic independence for women and men;
Enhancing reconciliation of work, private and family life;
Promoting equal participation of men and women in decision-making;
Eradicating gender-based violence and trafficking;
Eliminating gender stereotypes in society and;
Promoting gender equality outside the EU.

Each objective is followed by specific key actions designed to bring the goal nearer. Actions include increasing awareness of gender equality in schools, promoting female entrepreneurship, establishing in 2007 an EU network of women in economic and political decision-making positions, publishing a Communication on the gender pay gap and highlighting gender issues during the 2007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for all.

As agreed at the occasion of last year’s International Women’s Day, the new European institute for gender equality should be operational by 1 January 2007. If approved, it will have a €52.5million budget for the period until 2013. The institute will be a centre of excellence for gender equality issues, providing expertise and improving knowledge. Its tasks will include raising awareness among European citizens of EU gender equality policy, gathering and analysing objective, reliable data that can be compared at EU level and the developing new methodological tools.

As well as the funds for the new gender institute, the proposed new €650 million PROGRESS programme will fund some of the activities outlined in the roadmap. EU Structural funds and financial programmes in various policy areas will also help to provide funding for both roadmap and other EU gender equality activities.

The new network of national gender equality bodies will be established under the provisions of EU gender equality Directive 2002/73. They promote, analyse, monitor and fight discrimination on grounds of sex in Member States, by providing assistance to victims of discrimination and helping them to pursue their complaints.

The review of existing gender equality legislation is in line with 'legislate less but better' drive of President Barroso. It will ensure that all legislation is up to date and can provide the best possible framework for ensuring equal opportunities for men and women throughout the EU.

The roadmap was adopted in view of the International women's day on 8 March. Find more information on: europa.eu.int/comm/employment_social/

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