
Organized by Résovi. Résovi is a research component of the
Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Family Violence and Violence
Against Women (CRI-VIFF).

The International Conference
Violence Against Women: Diversifying Social Responses
October 22, 23, 24, 2006
Montreal, Canada
For researchers, practitioners, policy makers and students from different countries.

This conference will provide an excellent opportunity for
participants to share their knowledge, experiences and insights about
violence against women and the various social responses that have
been developed to combat it. Exchanges between participants will make
it possible to refine our understanding of how different social
contexts of violence and inequality impact designated groups of women
and as well as the strengths and limitations of government and
community initiatives to address their specific needs.

Presentations will deal with the following topics:
     * Violence against women in different social contexts and living
     * Social responses to violence against women
     * Major debates and issues regarding the social responses that
have been developed to address violence against women.

This event will enable participants to develop a deeper and more
comprehensive understanding of violence against women as well as
build and consolidate collaborations between research circles and
practitioners and across nations.

Executive committee

Dominique DAMANT, President and scientific director of the conference, CRI-VIFF’s director; Résovi’s scientific director, School of Social Work, Laval University
Suzanne ARCAND, Conference coordinator, CRI-VIFF
Anne CHAMBERLAND, Scientific coordinator, CRI-VIFF and Résovi, Laval University
Elizabeth HARPER, Community director, CRI-VIFF and Résovi, Montreal University

* * *

Rachel BOIVIN, Justice Department, Quebec Government
Marie-Marthe COUSINEAU, Professor, School of Criminology, Montreal University
Stéphanie FORTIN, M.Sc., School of Criminology, Montreal University
Lise GERVAIS, Coordinator, Relais-femmes
Sylvie GRAVEL, Scientific coordinator, CRI-VIFF and Résovi, Université de Montréal
Anne KOURAGA, Ph.D Candidate, School of Social Work, Laval University
Francine LAVOIE, Professor, School of Psychology, Laval University
Maryse RINFRET-RAYNOR, Professor, School of Social Work; Provost and Vice-Rector - Academic Affairs, Montreal University
Gilles RONDEAU, professor, School of Social Work, Montreal University


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