

MisFortune500 is here! 


WEDO Launches MisFortune500!

This month, WEDO launched MisFortune500, a highly-anticipated, much-needed website that challenges corporate malfeasance against women worldwide, helping them reclaim their rights to decent work, a clean and healthy environment, and access to land, water, food and quality public services.

MisFortune500—a parody of Fortune magazine’s annual list of top profit-making companies—exposes corporate violations of women’s rights that threaten lives and communities and destroy the environment. At MisFortune500, the losers are profit-hungry corporations and the winners are the women and organizations challenging egregious corporate practice and promoting accountability.

Check out the site to find profiles of MisFortune 500 companies, news stories from around the world, policy information related to corporate accountability, trade, investment and human rights, good practices, current actions, resources and more . . .

Read what people are saying!   Share your thoughts!  Get involved!


MisFortune500 is a project of the Women's Environment & Development Organization

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