MIZNA Journal of Arab-American Literature & Art; Visual Arts Program

Mizna is granting $1000.00 to 8 artists. Go here for application and information.


Call For Submissions For Mizna's Fourth Annual Arab Film Festival

In 2005, Mizna held the largest Arab Film Festival in the United States. Mizna is now seeking submissions for its Fourth Annual Arab Film Festival to be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota in October of 2006. Works addressing Arab and Arab diaspora issues are especially welcome. Short, experimental, documentary, and feature length filmmakers are encouraged to submit. Criteria for film choice will be based on artistic merit, technical skill, and content. Please submit your work in VHS or DVD. The deadline for all submissions is June 15, 2006. Items submitted to Mizna's Fourth Annual Arab Film Festival cannot be returned.

Please download this form and include it with your submission.

Send your submissions to:
2205 California Street NE
Minneapolis, MN 55418


about journal events gallery store press donate classes contact

Mizna has come a long way since 1999 when we published Volume 1, Issue 1 of Mizna-our journal of Arab American literature. With the publication of hundreds of Arab American writers later, we are proud of what we have accomplished. Besides publishing our award-winning journal, we have been honored to present to you some of the most talented Arab American artists in the visual arts, on stage, in music, and in film. As we continue to grow and gain a wider audience, we are extremely thankful for your vital support of this groundbreaking and progressive Arab American arts organization.

Mizna journal continues to be the only journal of Arab American literature in the United States, and is currently in libraries, museums, and on coffee tables throughout the U.S., Europe, and the Middle East. It has been the focus of stories in many media outlets, including the Utne Reader, National Public Radio, the Lebanese Daily Star, Bahrain Today, and Qantara-the publication of the Institut du Monde Arabe. In 2003, we received a Pushcart Prize, Best of the Small Presses for a piece which first appeared in our journal.

In addition to the journal, we have presented the annual Arab Film festival in Minnesota (the only such festival in the Upper Midwest), 9 public arts events featuring over 50 emerging writers, musicians, dancers, and visual artists, the first performance of an Arab American play in the Twin Cities with fifteen Arab cast members, and such amazing international talent as Simon Shaheen, Suheir Hammad, Hakim Belabbes, Nadia El Fani, Jack Shaheen, Raed Al Helou, Mai Masri, Iron Sheik, Elias Khoury and others.

In the past year, we have opened our Mizna center, which has given us, for the first time, a physical home to hold meetings, classes, and events. Over the past year, we have also participated in conferences and gatherings throughout the United States and have become an officially recognized non-profit organization. Our group has grown from two founders in 1998, to a current board of fifteen excited and committed professionals, community members, and artists.

Mizna has been a forerunner in the Arab American arts scene and last fall we embarked on another new journey-cultural classes in which we are highlighting the expertise of our community and sharing this knowledge with others.

An important outcome of the cultural and artistic work we do is the exposure of American audiences to the breadth and depth of the current, vital culture of the Middle East and of Arabs in America. This serves to counter the daily stereotypes of Arabs that bombard Americans on a daily basis. We think it is essential to continue to remind Minnesotans, Americans, and the world, that Arabic culture did not end with the translation two centuries ago of Arabian Nights: Tales from a Thousand and One Nights and not even a century ago with the novels of Naguib Mahfouz, rather the Arab art scene is alive and flourishing.

We thank you for your continued support of our mission: to bring Arab American arts to life, to support the vision of Arab American artists, and to reflect a depth, breadth and humanity of Arabs everywhere.

Contact Mizna
Mizna, Inc.
2205 California Street NE #109A
Minneapolis, MN 55418


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