
Call for Participation/Application to Attend

Is there really too little money to support existing women's rights initiatives? Is it that women's rights groups are not bold enough in their fundraising strategies? Is it that donors simply don't understand the urgency and importance of this work? Or is it that we, as progressive women's organizations and movements, need to change ourselves to respond better to the current challenges??? Join AWID and Semillas for ...

International Meeting
November 9-11, 2006 | Oaxaca, Mexico

AWID and Semillas invite you to join us in Oaxaca November 9-11, 2006, for a groundbreaking meeting of the international women's movement, where as many as 300 participants will convene to learn about the funding situation for women's rights, strategize with partners and progressive donors around funding challenges and opportunities, and begin the critical work of learning how to increase existing resources and mobilize new support for women's rights work. This meeting is a key follow-up activity to AWID's action-research initiative, Where is the money for women's rights?

What are the objectives of this meeting? The meeting will provide a space where women's rights advocates from diverse backgrounds and working on different issues can engage with each other and with like-minded donors, in order to:

  • Share updated information and deepen our analysis of the current funding situation for women's rights;
  • Frankly discuss how feminist and women's organizations and movements must change their relationship with money as a way of becoming stronger and more effective;
  • Develop creative and innovative strategies to increase the access, quantity and quality of funding for women's organizations and movements globally.

What will the program look like? Unlike the AWID Forum, the sessions will not be solicited through a proposal process. Instead, an international planning committee will design a comprehensive program and select speakers.

The program will include:

  • Thought-provoking plenaries;
  • In-depth breakout sessions for strategy-development;
  • Simulation games to fast-track learning;
  • Capacity and skills-building sessions; and
  • Debates to stimulate discussion.

In addition to the main program, the meeting will also host book launches, artistic and cultural activities and, as with all AWID events, plenty of space and opportunity for informal networking and alliance-building.

All plenaries and selected breakout sessions will have interpretation into English, Spanish and French.

Who can participate? What happens if more than 300 apply? Anyone who is a member of a feminist or progressive women's organization or network can apply to participate. If more than 300 people apply (as we anticipate), a global selection committee will select a representative 300 from among the applicants. This committee will ensure that the participants at the meeting are truly international and represent a diverse range of interests, issues, and regions. Preference will be given to organizations working for women's rights from the Global South and Eastern and Central Europe.

Is there a fee to register? The registration fee is USD 85 or MXN 900 (Mexico pesos). The fee will be paid in cash onsite.

Where is Oaxaca? How do I get there, and where will I stay? Oaxaca City is located 340 miles southeast of Mexico City and is one of the major cultural centres in the region, famous for both its arts and its cuisine. Oaxaca was recently designated a UNESCO world heritage site, and is well-served by an international airport. AWID will assist with airport transfers and visas for all selected participants. AWID will also be offering special meeting rates at local hotels, which will range between USD 40-100 for a double room.

I can't afford the cost - Can you help? AWID has set up an "Access Fund" to support the travel costs of participants who are unable to raise sufficient funds on their own. All participants, however will be expected to fundraise for the registration fee, which will not be waived. This will help ensure that only those who most need and want to be at the meeting will be there. Applicants who need assistance can apply to the Access Fund at the same time they apply to participate.

How do I apply, and what is the deadline? A web-based application form is available at www.awid.org/moneyandmovements/application_form_1.php. The deadline for application is June 23, 2006. Because the application form is web-based, we encourage all interested candidate to APPLY EARLY, to avoid server crashes brought on by a huge volume of last-minute applications. Applicants who do not have Web access may contact AWID at the address below for a hard copy.

For more information:
Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID)
Attn: Money and Movements Meeting
Zamora 169, Casa 2
Colonia Condesa, CP 06140

Contact: Zazil Canto, zcanto@awid.org
Fax in Mexico: + 5255 5212 0626
Fax in Canada: +1 416 594 0330
Website: www.awid.org

[AWID] The Association for Women's Rights in Development is an international membership organization that works to connect, inform, and mobilize feminists and other advocates for women's rights and gender equality.
[Fundher] Fundher - Money Watch for Women's Rights: An action-research initiative of AWID.
[Semillas] Semillas is a women's grantmaking organization based in Mexico. Its mission is to effect social change that benefits women and girls.

To leave the list, send your request by email to: wunrn_listserve-request@lists.wunrn.com. Thank you.