October 22, 23, 24, 2006
Montreal, Canada

The International Conference Violence Against Women: Diversifying Social
Responses will bring together researchers, practitioners, policy makers and
students from different countries.

This conference will provide an excellent opportunity for participants to
share their knowledge, experiences and insights about violence against
women and the various social responses that have been developed to combat
it. Exchanges between participants will make it possible to refine our
understanding of how different social contexts of violence and inequality
impact designated groups of women and as well as the strengths and
limitations of government and community initiatives to address their
specific needs.

Presentations will deal with the following topics:

- Violence against women in different social contexts and living
- Social responses to violence against women
- Major debates and issues regarding the social responses that have been
developed to address violence against women.

This event will enable participants to develop a deeper and more
comprehensive understanding of violence against women as well as build and
consolidate collaborations between research circles and practitioners and
across nations.


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