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Date: 01/04/2006

The Global Commission on International Migration (GCIM) presented its Report to the UN Secretary-General and UN Member States in New York on 5 October 2005.

Go to the GCIM website to access the full Report and its supporting evidence.  

You can download Nicola Piper's thematic paper on Gender and Migration here.

Welcome to the Global Migration and Gender Network (GMGN)

The GMGN was established as a result of a two-day workshop on gender and international migration, convened in March 2005 by the Global Commission on International Migration (GCIM).  Its purpose is to provide a means for practitioners and researchers with an interest in this issue to share information and ideas on a regular basis.  The co-ordination will initially be assumed by the GCIM Secretariat.    

The network will be issuing a regular newsletter to all network subscribers, incorporating links to relevant documents, news of forthcoming conferences and publications, book reviews and opinion pieces.  The success of the network and its newsletter will depend on the input provided by subscribers.  Please inform your colleagues of this initiative and provide the GMGN with items that you would like to feature in the newsletter.

We are delighted to say that a number of eminent people in the field of gender and international migration have already expressed their support for the network.  Their messages can be found below.

Jeff Crisp, Director of Policy and Research, Secretariat, GCIM

Nina Allen, GCIM Secretariat/ GMGN Coordinator (email)



“To understand the reality of international migration and to be able to advocate more effectively for migrant rights, it is essential that we take full account of gender issues: not only the situation of migrant women, but also the way that migration affects men and children and changes relationships within the family.  I very much welcome the establishment of the Global Migration and Gender Network, which should provide a dynamic new means for us to share information and ideas on this important topic.”     

Mary Robinson
Executive Director
Realizing Rights: The Ethical Globalization Initiative


“The idea of a Global Migration and Gender Network comes at an opportune moment.  We have the opportunity to shape the discourse, research, policy and practice in the global migration arena.  Let's go for it!"

Dr. Mamphela Ramphele
Global Commission on International Migration


“The feminization of global migration has been going on for a long time and has only recently gained the recognition it deserves. The growing share of women among migrants has to be adequately reflected in migration related policies and research. We need to ensure that women’s movement across borders and residence in another country does not lead to their increased vulnerability but that it empowers them. To enhance women’s empowerment, we need to exchange knowledge, experiences, and we need to network.

I am confident that the Global Migration and Gender Network is a valuable and necessary step for such exchange, and I am looking forward to being part of this network.”

Prof Rita Süssmuth
Global Commission on International Migration


“Comprendre la migration et la maîtriser fait partie des atouts à la disposition de la communauté internationale pour construire le futur. Le GCIM a eu raison d'intégrer la constante genre, comme force de changement de nos sociétés, pour compléter ses secteurs d'analyse et d'étude sur la migration internationale.

L'OIM  l'encourage  donc à mettre en réseau des  personnes compétentes en genre et migration pour davantage de cohérence et de clarté dans ses délibérations. Nous acceptons avec plaisir de faire partie de ce groupe. »

Mme Ndioro Ndiaye
Deputy Director General
International Organization on Migration


"Como Relatora Especial sobre los Derechos Humanos de los Migrantes y Experta Independiente de las Naciones Unidas en Derechos Humanos y Migración, celebro y apoyo el establecimiento del espacio de “Migración Global y Género” en el marco de la Comisión Mundial sobre las Migraciones Internacionales. Este espacio, además de permitir el intercambio de información e ideas, asegurará que la equidad de género no sea solamente un variable transversal, si no que colaborará a que se haga visible y concreta en el trabajo que desde distintas áreas y regiones se está llevando a cabo en materia de migración."

Dra. Gabriela Rodríguez Pizarro
Ex-Relatora Especial sobre los derechos humanos de los migrantes de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas


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