
The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is the largest umbrella organisation of women’s associations in the European Union (EU) with more than 4000 member organisations across Europe.


European Women's Lobby Calls for Renewed Commitment to Achieving Gender Equality

EWL calls for Renewed Commitment to Achieving Gender Equality
in the Lisbon Strategy to the European Spring Council

In view of the coming European Spring Council on 23 and 24 March, EWL sent its written contribution to European decision-makers, stressing the importance of a Lisbon strategy that ensures a cohesive balance between the social, economic and environmental pillars within the strategy and that enables the EU to offer a social, as well as an economic vision, with a clear commitment to the European social model. In order for the Member States to renew their commitment to achieving gender equality in the Lisbon Strategy, EWL urges Governments and the EU to take immediate action in the following areas:  

EWL welcomes and looks forward to the successful implementation of the Commission’s Roadmap for equality between women and men 2006-2010 in helping to achieve the Lisbon goals, especially since the gender dimension of the Lisbon strategy for jobs and growth must be strengthened – EWL’s contribution to the Spring Council is available on EWL’s website in English and French - For more information, please contact Juliette Kamper (kamper@womenlobby.org)

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