

International Women's Day - Realities


By Ruzica Apostolova


HANSM Macedonia

Humanitarian Association of Single Mothers of Macedonia 


Do they know what day today is?
Do they know when it was proclaimed?
Do they know who took the decision and why?
Do they know to celebrate today?
Do they know that many women in the world are fighting for their rights?
Do they know that today is a day for women's voices to be heard?
What does equality of women's rights mean to them?

Was there, is there and will there be an
Egalitanian alternative to male control of female?

Priorities  to many women are

That their children must be fed daily,

That they have health care,

That they are safe from harm. 


The basic needs of survival must be met for the woman's family.


Then, she can think of rights and empowerment.


ALL are IMPORTANT on International Women's Day!





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