Press Release attached.

March 7, 2005        
Contact:  Katie Elbert

Ambassador Swanee Hunt on International Women’s Day
Founder of Women Waging Peace Network – a Global Network of Women Leaders

CAMBRIDGE, MA – Ambassador Swanee Hunt, director of the Women and Public Policy Program at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, and founder and chair of The Initiative for Inclusive Security, which includes the Women Waging Peace Network of 500 women leaders from around the globe, released the following statement today in observation of International Women’s Day, March 8:

“Five years ago, the UN Security Council passed resolution 1325, a first, critical acknowledgement that women must be included in all efforts to promote peace.  However, for all the good intentions, apart from a few exceptions, we are squandering a tremendous opportunity as women continue to be largely excluded from peace processes.

“Of course, women constitute over half the population, so sidelining them is discriminatory and fundamentally undemocratic. But the rights argument is persuasive only to those who cherish fairness. For those who prioritize efficacy, ignoring them is patently unwise.

“In Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan, Rwanda, Bosnia, and elsewhere, I’ve seen firsthand how women prevent the eruption of violence, mediate among warring factions, and repair shattered societies after conflict.  Worldwide, women make profound contributions to peace building. If we hope to transform instability and violence into prosperity, we must incorporate the expertise of women.

“Evidence of women’s contributions is compelling. The Initiative for Inclusive Security has conducted 15 field studies to document women’s impact in every stage of conflict. We’ve archived over 500 interviews with women leaders discussing their extraordinary work. It’s clear they are highly invested in peace and – were they consistently at the table for strategic planning with policy makers – they could have an enormous positive impact on discussions, debates, and decisions relating to security.

“Identifying talented, experienced, and courageous women is not the problem. Leveraging their value to negotiations and transitional justice is. There is no good reason why women whose leadership has been tested and refined are not tapped for key roles in conflict prevention and resolution.  We will continue to work with women from around the world, their governments, and the United Nations to accomplish this objective fully and with the utmost priority.”

The Initiative for Inclusive Security, a program of Hunt Alternatives Fund, advocates for the full participation of all stakeholders, especially women, in peace processes.  Creating sustainable peace is achieved best by a diverse, citizen-driven approach.  Of the many sectors of society currently excluded from peace processes, none is larger—or more critical to success—than women.  Since 1999, Inclusive Security has connected more than 400 women experts with over 3,000 policy shapers to collaborate on fresh, workable solutions to long-standing conflicts across the globe. For more information visit http://www.womenwagingpeace.net/

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