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Address by Dr. Jinan Al-Ubaidy, Member of the Iraqi Parliament and an Islamic Activists at the 50th Commission on the Status of Women

28th of February 2006 


In the Name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful

Praise be upon Muhammad and his holy family

Respectable Ladies and Gentlemen,

It has become clear to the world the magnitude of suffering encountered by the Iraqi people during the domination of the dictatorial governments, which did not believe in the individual freedom that ended with the Saddamic dictatorial regime.

The intellectual and spiritual structure of the individual was destroyed alongside his creative abilities. The Iraqi individual was weakened and traumatized by the confiscation of freedoms through genocide, enslavement, incitement of destructive wars, looting of fortunes, and imposition of the regulations by the Leader Party. In the midst of all these crimes, the Iraqi woman was the first to suffer and sacrifice. She was subject to torture, rape, vagrancy, and murder. She suffered from ignorance, poverty and illness, while talking the responsibility of other women and men.  This created many negative phenomenon in the Iraqi society that we are strenuously attempting to eliminate. Some of these include the recession in the number of Iraqi women completing their secondary, university and higher studies and the disregard for women efficiencies in various fields which lead to a great loss in experiences or missions abroad.

Furthermore, women were excluded from social, cultural and political areas and their thinking was restricted to managing their livelihood and their family’s sustenance after the loss of their fathers, husbands, brothers and sons, as a result of the faulty policies of the former governing systems in Iraq which were distant from the divine values and morals of religion.  Islam has designated a position for women, no reformatory theory has been able to achieve and that is by identifying her as the half of society and the governess of the other half.


            Today, after the banishment of the tyrant Saddam regime, Iraqi women have lead the way, by the help of God, and her strong will and vital ability in paving the road to reason and awareness despite all the difficulties she faced and is facing.  The Iraqi women have an abundant presence in constituting the foundations of the civil society and the existence in all generally social mediums despite limited capabilities and scarcity of support. Iraqi women, have presented themselves at the constitutional and executive levels with 31% in the present National Association and 25% in the executive authority.  Women have contributed to the many laws and orders serving the Iraqi people especially the harmed sectors of society while confirming special articles conserving her rights in the permanent constitution that include the prohibition of any abuse against woman, the prevention of tribal convictions which violate Human Rights as well as Woman Rights and the right to grant her children the Iraqi citizenship. These rights are an addition to all the rights she shares with men. Women have proven their ability to administrate through undertaking many ministry ranks in the executive authority.


The most important aspects we are trying to improve today are:

1- Restructure the Iraqi women personality after its annihilation by the former dictatorial regime

2- Promoting her cultural, economical, social and political understanding by:

a- Eliminating ignorance thru the encouragement of motivating the pursuance of higher education

b- Put a consistent basis to define the unemployment phenomenon spread in Iraq.

c- Reduce the residence crises.

d- Study and define the most important problems facing Iraqi woman in order to find suitable constitutional resolutions

e - Expand the political contribution of Iraqi women qualitatively and quantitatively

f- Activate the role of the Observing Civil Society Foundations toward government performance.

Women have fortunately advanced thus far with the assistance of patriotic Samaritans, their religious leaders and political leadership. But there remain many obstacles facing her marching progress:

1- Former dictatorial policy remains, which have fallen darkly upon many of the dominant practices among various mediums of the Iraqi people.

2- Terrorism and insecurity existent in many Iraqi cities due to the presence of the former regimes members and foreign radicals who offend the Islamic understanding and practice inside Iraq.

3- The lack of law and order capable to subdue complex and spurred challenges in Iraq.

4- The deficiency of service levels that are both time consuming and laborious but lack in beneficial result.

The accomplishments of the Iraqi women are currently at the ambition level. Much is needed to be fulfilled by primarily interpreting the constitution laws into orders conserving woman rights and position. Secondly we need to empower women to seize these freedoms because rights are taken and not given....


Salutations and appreciation

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