UN Study focus of WUNRN
Juridical Aspects
A.1.International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights
B.1.CEDAW - Article 9 of CEDAW provides for equality between women and men
    in the bestowal and retention of nationality, and in according nationality to
    2.Convention on the Rights of the Child
Factual Aspects
C.Forms of Discrimination Arising from the Status of Women in the Family
   2.Forms of Discrimination Related to Nationality -From the UN Study text:
      137."In many countries mothers have fewer rights than fathers to transmit
   4.Inheritance & Property
UN Study Conclusions & Recommendations
A.Internal Measures
   198.(v)"Laws should be abrogated or amended to conform to international
          provisions on ... property, nationality, and civil status.
         (vi)"Economic and social rights of women should be affirmed since lack of
         property rights excludes women from decision making in family and society."
Selected statements UN Division on the Advancement of Women, Department of Economic and Social Affairs Booklet:  Women, Nationality, and Citizenship:
*The right to own land may also be contingent on nationality. ....As the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women noted in its General Recommendation 21 on Equality in Marriage and Family Relations:
CEDAW Committee Recommendation 21:
"Nationality is critical to full participation in society. In general, States confer nationality on those who are born in that country. Nationality can also be acquired by reason of settlement or granted for humanitarian reasons, such as statelessness. Without status as nationals or citizens, women are deprived of the right to vote or to stand for  public office, and may be denied access to public benefits and a choice of residence. Nationality should be capable of change by an adult woman and should not be arbitrarily removed because of marriage or dissolution of marriage or because her husband or father changes his nationality."
*Historically, many States adopted the patriarchal position that a woman's legal status is acquired through her relationship to a man - first her father and then her husband......Laws that entrench the principle of dependent personality (as on the husband) disempower married women by depriving them of any choice about their nationality.
*Obstacles to the implementation of human rights standards:
 -International law accords States considerable discretion with respect to the
  conferral of nationality upon individuals.
 -Equality in nationality law can be seen as contrary to traditional or customary
  laws and practices.
-There are inadequate linkages between migration, trafficking, prostitution,  
 immigration laws, and human rights requirements.
"The intersection of legal issues of nationality, immigration, discrimination, poverty, migration, violence against women and the family, along with gendered stereotypes about migration patterns and personal relationships, undermines women's enjoyment of a range of civil, political, economic and social rights, and excludes them from the benefits of citizenship. Further action to overcome these obstacles is required at both international and national levels."
PLAN - Project for Universal Birth Registration
Join us, and help millions of children access their rights as citizens

Birth registration matters. The girl in the photo, from Guinea, holds her new birth certificate. This gives her easier access to:
  • social services: such as education and healthcare
  • proof of age: helping to protect her against child labour and child marriage
  • a national identity: making it easier to defend against abuse and child trafficking

A young girl from Guinea proudly shows her birth certificate
Making sure all children count

A third of the babies born each year (48 million children*) are not registered (*statistics by UNICEF). Officially they don't exist. The governments of the world make no provision for them. Many of these children have no legal right to healthcare, education or the state's protection.

Help us provide equal opportunities for all children. Sign our petition calling for Universal Birth Registration >>

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