Attachments: Guide to Montreal Principles CERA.pdf
Full Guide to the Montreal Principles by CERA is attached.
CERA - The Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation



on Women’s Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

About This Guide


The Montréal Principles on the meaning and application of economic, social and cultural rights for women is the first international legal document of its kind.   Though experts had met on previous occasions to elaborate on the content of economic, social and cultural rights, the documents that emerged from these meetings – the Limburg Principles and the Maastricht Guidelines – did not reflect a gender perspective.


The Montréal Principles were drafted by leading human rights experts from Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and Latin America.  They are intended to be used by a variety of actors:  government officials, lawyers, grassroots activists, advocates, non-government organizations, UN officials, educators, researchers, etc.   


We have developed this plain language Guide to ensure that the legal nature and language of the Montréal Principles does not interfere with their widest possible understanding and their widest possible use.   These Principles, like other documents that have been written to help understand the meaning of human rights may be further developed over time.  We encourage users of this guide to adapt the Principles to fit local realities and struggles.  As more human rights advocates and women use the Principles, a deeper understanding of obstacles and challenges to the realization of women’s human rights may emerge.  


This Guide is comprised of 7 Fact Sheets that focus on key elements of the Montréal Principles.  The fact sheets can be used separately or jointly.  A full copy of the Montréal Principles is also included. 


The Fact Sheets cover the following issues:


Fact Sheet 1:                Introduction to the Montréal Principles: Why A Legal Document on Women’s Economic, Social and Cultural Rights?


    Fact Sheet 2:                Human Rights in the Montréal Principles


Fact Sheet 3:                Women’s Substantive Equality and Non-Discrimination in the Context of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights


                                                Fact Sheet 4:                Legal Obligations


                                                Fact Sheet 5:                Violations of Women’s Economic, Social and Cultural Rights


                                                Fact Sheet 6:                Claiming and Enforcing Economic, Social and Cultural Rights


                                    Fact Sheet 7:                The Montréal Principles at Work


We encourage you to copy and distribute all or parts of this Guide to assist you in your work and to promote further discussion and action amongst all those involved in claiming and enforcing economic, social and cultural rights. 


The Montreal Principles are available in English, French and Spanish. These Fact Sheets are also available on the CERA website:


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