From 16th February until 8th March 2006, the World Association for
Christian Communication (WACC) is organising 'Who Makes the News? Three
Weeks of Global Action on Gender and the Media.
The Who Makes the News? campaign is based on the findings of the Global
Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) 2005 which brought together hundreds of
gender and media groups in 76 countries in February 2005 to monitor the
representation of women and men in the news media. Endorsed by both
UNIFEM and UNESCO, the Who Makes the News? campaign aims to promote
gender equality in the media by challenging the news media to take
substantial and immediate action to ensure that they represent women and
men in a fair and balanced way.
You can join this amazing initiative by visiting the new Who Makes the
News? website on http://www.whomakesthenews.org
The website includes
- Information on Who Makes the News? Three Weeks of Global Action on
Gender and the Media http://www.whomakesthenews.org/who_makes_the_news
- Toolkits and Action Packs to give you ideas on how to get involved in the
campaign in your communities, at work or online
- A whole area dedicated to the various events and activities that will take
place worldwide during the campaign
- Spaces to make your voice heard through regular polls and an opportunity
to share your views and experiences of the media through exciting and
thoughtful blog discussions http://www.whomakesthenews.org/ and
- An extensive press room area with all relevant information and contacts
for all journalists wanting interviews, quotes, photos, etc.
On 15th February 2006 at 10.00AM GMT the global GMMP 2005 report will be
live on the site at the same time as the international launch of the global
GMMP 2005 report, Who Makes the News? will take place in London. This event
will bring together leading figures from the mainstream news media and civil
society to discuss the representation of women and men in the news media. A
live blog feed from the launch in London will be available giving you access
to the
lively discussions that the Who Makes the News? 2005 report will generate.
To keep updated with all news, views and latest alerts you can register
to our information list at:
http://mailman-new.greennet.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/whomakesthenews or
send an email to: whomakesthenews-subscribe@gn.apc.org

To leave the list, send your request by email to: wunrn_listserve-request@lists.wunrn.com. Thank you.