
Journal of Political Science, Universidad de Chile

Request for article submission

Special issue: "Gender and Politics", Política, Nº 46, 2006

The Editorial Committee for Política, bi-annual publication from the Universidad de Chile, calls for article submissions on gender and politics.

Case studies on Latin American countries will be given priority, although article proposals on European and other industrialized countries are also welcome.

The journal's issue will be organized in two sections:

1.       Gender and Political Action
This section aims to present research projects regarding political institutions and, especially, concerning the political practices, from a gender perspective. The thematic axes that could be referred to in this section are:

o        Political leadership,

o        Political recruitment,

o        Political commitment and militancy,

o        Collective action and mobilization "in the name of the gender",

o        Linkage and relations between political parties and women's organizations, as well as sexual minority groups, among others,

o        Women's electoral behavior,

o        Feminization of politics, or mechanisms that favor female presence in the government, political parties, unions and other representative organizations such as entrepreneurs', protest organizations, among others.

Articles focused on analysis of the breakthrough into traditional male political spaces, such as government or political parties, will be especially welcomed. Nevertheless, this call for papers does not circumscribe itself to articles about women's location in politics. It looks to incorporate a wider spectrum of research that uses gender perspective, related to one or several of these thematic axes.

2.       Gender and Political Science
This section invites to a reflection on the place of gender in the production of knowledge in Political Science. Comparative works will be welcome, but monographs on gender as a category, variable of analysis, object or research topic within the discipline will also be considered. Articles may even touch on the analysis of the linkage between gender relations within a specific disciplinary area and the modalities of setting research agendas. The articles may refer to epistemological, bibliographical or field works.

Recommendations to the authors
In order to examine their articles' relevance given the criteria for the upcoming issue, authors are asked to send a 2-3 page summary no later than February 25, 2006 (in English, Spanish or French). Accepted articles are due on April 15, 2006. The selection of the papers to be published will be based on reports by two anonymous referees. On April 25, an acceptance notification will be sent to selected authors, including a request for possible modifications.

Articles in Spanish are preferable, although English and French are also accepted. The papers must not exceed 65,000 characters (see below for editorial norms) and must be sent in Microsoft Word format, and addressed to the coordinator and editor of this issue.


For further information, please do not hesitate to contact:
María de los Ángeles Fernández (coordinator) angeles.fernandez@udp.cl
or you can visit our website http://www.inap.uchile.cl/cienciapolitica/publicaciones.html

To leave the list, send your request by email to: wunrn_listserve-request@lists.wunrn.com. Thank you.