Contact: info@1000peacewomen.org

1000 PeaceWomen across the Globe has been conceived as a traveling exhibition which will initially be shown in Switzerland in October 2005 and then shown around the world.


Home English - 1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize 2005
Deutsch - 1000 Frauen fuer den Friedensnobelpreis 2005
Français - 1000 Femmes pour le prix Nobel de la paix 2005
Spanish - 1000 Mujeres y un premio Nobel de la Paz del 2005

Millions of women work day in day out to promote peace. They care for survivors, help with reconstruction and initiate a new culture of peace. To represent these millions, it is our aim that in the year 2005 a thousand women shall collectively receive the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts in pursuit of peace. This political prize will show that the work they do is valuable and exemplary.

As their work is taken for granted and is usually unspectacular, it is neither acknowledged nor remunerated. With the exception of 12 women, the recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize, since it was first awarded in 1901, have been men. In negotiating terms of peace, many more warlords than peacequeens make decisions about security, reconstruction and new political structures. This despite the fact that women constantly prove that with their experience and competence, they can develop and put into practice sustainable peace programs.

Our focus is on women worldwide from all walks of life - e.g., the woman farmer, teacher, artist or politician – who devote themselves to a future free of violence. They have their own individual origins and backgrounds, which have offered them, as the case may be, maybe wonderful opportunities, maybe only restricted options. In order that the world become aware of their histories and their work, light must be thrown on their thousand profiles. Their thousand strategies for constructive conflict management should provide important impulses for conflict research and peace policies. The project will therefore be backed up academically. Last but not least, new peace networks will be established and existing ones strengthened.

Under the patronage of the Swiss commission for UNESCO

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