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Domestic violence

August 2005

This fact sheet provides information on the Government’s approach on tackling private violence.

Domestic violence is an act of violence that is committed by a person from the victim’s family circle. It may include physical and sexual violence as well as mental violence such as threatening or stalking. Domestic violence may take the form of child abuse including sexual child abuse, violence against partners and ex-partners in all its conceivable forms, as well as abuse or neglect of the elderly.

Forms and extent
Violence in the private realm is the most extensive form of violence in the Netherlands society. Domestic violence takes place in all socio-economic classes and within all cultures. Women and children are the most likely victims but men, parents and elderly people also fall victim to this type of violence.

Research 1) indicates that more than 40% of the Netherlands population have experienced domestic violence at some point in their lives. Ten per cent of this group experiences this form of violence everyday or every week. Nearly one third of those who experience this violence have seen their lives changed drastically as a result. This type of violence is predominantly committed by men, constituting 80% of all cases.

The most recent police figures confirm this 2). The police has set up a special registration procedure for domestic violence and it has been calculated that over 56,000 domestic crime reports are entered into the police database each year. It is a known fact that only 12% of all domestic violence cases are reported to the police. This means that roughly 500,000 domestic violence incidents take place each year. The study shows that in more than 36% of the reported incidents, this has led to the victims lodging an official complaint with the police. In 58% of the domestic violence incidents where victims have lodged an official complaint with the police, the perpetrator was actually apprehended.

Research 3) has shown that domestic violence also takes place on an alarming scale within ethnic minority groups yet its precise extent is difficult to determine as there remains a taboo on domestic violence with these groups finding it even more difficult than the native Netherlands residents to talk about the issue. Moreover, certain ethnic minority groups have their own specific customs of dealing with domestic violence. Avenging the family honour is one such an example. It is estimated that 100,000 children witness domestic violence each year. 40,000 of them are at risk of being faced with psycho-social problems or behavioural problems. Young victims of violence run a higher risk of becoming perpetrators or victims of domestic violence when they are grown ups.

In 2002, the Government presented the policy document ‘Private Violence – Public Issue’. The policy document does not only describe the nature and extent of domestic violence but also contains more than fifty concrete measures to improve the existing approach for dealing with this issue. The Government indicated in the Coalition Agreement of June 2003 that it wanted to pursue an effective policy against domestic violence. To this end, an interdepartmental project was introduced, coordinated by the Ministry of Justice for the period between 2002 and 2007. It aims at the realisation and implementation of the measures and intentions mentioned in the document in mutual consultation and at taking new initiatives together with the ‘field’ where necessary.

The approach on domestic violence is part of the Government’s Public Safety Programme which aims to combat crime and nuisance that affect the public directly. It also forms a part of the Government’s Major Cities Policy (GSB) in which the central government and major municipalities have reached agreement on activities and intended results for the period between 2005 up to and including 2009.

An effective approach on domestic violence includes the use of a system of services that provides for timely recognition, tighter risk assessment, swift and effective interventions, assistance for victims and corrective help for perpetrators. The Government intends to create an infrastructure with the following elements:

Awareness, law and legislation
Government and professional organisations must jointly express the message that domestic violence is unacceptable and cannot be justified by any kind of excuse. The message can be expressed in various ways.

Specific projects
Various organisations and professions are developing policies, specific training methods and specific programmes which enable them to act effectively in cases of domestic violence reports. One of these organisations is the police.


1) ‘Huiselijk geweld – aard, omvang en hulpverlening’ (Domestic violence – nature, scope and support) Intomart, 1997
2) ‘Huiselijk geweld: de voordeur op een kier – omvang, aard en achtergronden in 2004 op basis van landelijke politiecijfers’ H.B. Ferwerda, November 2004’ (Domestic violence: leaving the front door open – scope, nature and backgrounds in 2004 based on national police figures)
3) ‘Huiselijk geweld onder Surinamers, Antillianen en Arubanen, Marokkanen en Turken in Nederland – aard, omvang en hulpverlening (Domestic violence among Surinamese, Antillians and Arubans, Moroccans and Turkish people – nature, extent and welfare services’ Intromart, 2002.
4) “Inventarisatie stand van zaken aanpak huiselijk geweld 2003” (Inventory of the State of Affairs concerning the approach on domestic violence) L. van Lier , The Hague, December 2003.
5) ‘Aan de voordeur van de vrouwenopvang, een onderzoek naar de instroom’ (At the front gate of women’s shelters, an investigation into the influx), Trimbos Institute, 2003.
6) The toolkits consist of CDs that make a reference to the website www.aanpakhuiselijkgeweld.nl set up by the VNG for the domestic violence project
7) ‘Huiselijk geweld: de voordeur op een kier – omvang, aard en achtergronden in 2004 op basis van landelijke politiecijfers’ H.B. Ferwerda, November 2004’ (Domestic violence: leaving the front door open – scope, nature and backgrounds in 2004 based on national police figures).

More information
The website www.huiselijkgeweld.nl, containing a quarterly magazine on domestic violence, ‘Huiselijkgeweld.nl’, provides victims and organisations involved in tackling domestic violence with concrete and up to date information. The website also has news articles and recent publications. Information on the various organisations and projects in the Netherlands concerned with combating domestic violence is also available. The website provides links to the sites of the various organisations. Municipal authorities can also obtain further information through the Netherlands Association of Municipalities website: www.aanpakhuiselijkgeweld.nl.

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