

If one of the roles of SURGIR is to sensitize a large public in the western countries on the issues crimes linked to traditions, we also believe that the best way to deeply work on the violence against girls and women is to work in partnership with local non governmental organizations (NGO) involved in their countries in defending women rights and lobbying with their governments.


That is why SURGIR offers to several NGOs in Middle East a technical and financial support in the realization of the following programs:

-       training of educated, grassroots women, activists and leaders,

-       creation of hotlines offering listening and counseling,

-       legal, psychological and material help to victims of violence,

-       awareness campaigns to a large audience of women and men on traditional forms of violence against women. Promotion of women rights and lobbying for the abolition of laws too indulgent towards the authors of traditional crimes,

-       organization of national and regional seminars with government representatives, doctors, legal consultants, religious authorities, social workers and police officers, with the objective to stimulate a debate and encourage the search for practical solutions,

-       organization of international conferences in Europe.


In the most extreme cases, a program of urgent help is at the disposal of the persons who contact the Foundation for help.

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